Calumet is a very safe community where people routinely leave their doors unlocked and their vehicles running while they're in the Post Office. After living here for 16 months, we've grown accustomed to feeling secure in this area. We never imagined we would be the victims of a backyard larceny! What a shock! We could hardly believe our eyes. We looked and looked, but our eyes were not deceiving us. It was truly missing!
Oh, how did this happen? Was there really a criminal in the Keweenaw? A hooligan in our quiet community? A malefactor in our neighborhood? A scoundrel on Seventh Street? A villain in the vicinity?
Did we need to contact the Law? No, not yet. Steve went outside to investigate the scene. Sherlock Holmes couldn't have solved the crime any quicker. Aha! Footprints in the snow! Steve, the mighty hunter, was easily able to track the outlaw from the scene of the crime right to the house of the perpetrator.
What was pilfered? We have photographic evidence.
Here's photo 1.
Now, what's missing in photo 2?
That's right! We were looking for a Suet Ball Bandit! The depth of the snow had allowed easy access to the savory bird treat we suspended from the Birch tree branch. The thief didn't realize we would be able to follow his tracks, and he left further evidence right outside his door - the remains of the mesh material that held the Suet Ball together. Who was guilty of this caper? It wasn't "a him" at all. It was "a her!"
It was no cat burglar. It was the Labrador Larcenist!
Yep! Cocoa is a crook!
She looks so sweet and innocent in that last photo, but we now know she was planning a critter caper!
All else is well in the Keweenaw.